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Become an advertiser

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How does it work?

"Become an advertiser"

To become an advertiser and buy advertising space in our catalog, you must follow the steps. The insert formats and prices are expressed in "cm" (centimeters) and the prices are excluding tax. Then, send us your visual, with a bleed of 5mm (0.5cm). Make sure that there are no images or important text outside the bleed limit area. It is recommended to use a resolution of 300 dpi to ensure quality printing.

By following these steps, you ensure that your visual will be perfectly printed without unwanted borders and your visual will be printed in high resolution.

You are authorized to write on your visual, the name of your company, telephone number, address, website, descriptive text, and all the details of the product or service to be promoted.

After that, the team will design your visual, making sure to respect the technical specifications of color for an aesthetic rendering. Once your visual is designed, a BAT will be sent to you for your final approval (To be approved), to be programmed and published in the issue of : Catalogue "SEASON 2025 / 2026" WEILAND.

The print run is 10,000 copies for this edition :

Catalogue "SEASON 2025 / 2026" WEILAND, the distribution for each exhibition hall is 2,000 copies (distributions / targeted audiences) its distribution is reserved only for professionals during the shows, maximizing the impact of your advertising.

What prices ?

"Become an advertiser"

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